By day I am a content designer. This means giving people the right content, when they need it, so they can get on with their lives.
I am bilingual – with English and Welsh
How to make good online video content
If you are involved in any marketing work it is likely that you have created or commissioned video at some point, but was it good online video content that…
Post in multiple languages on Facebook – there’s no need to be scared!
If you want to expand the audience of your Facebook page you can do so by using a tool to post in multiple languages on Facebook. This will allow…
Tweeting bilingually: how to use Twitter in two languages?
A large number of organisations and individuals in Wales are using Twitter to tweet bilingually. But what is the best way to do this without confusing your followers? And without…
3 reasons why email marketing is still important
It is al too easy to neglect the reasons why email marketing is still important today. When the ‘shiny new thing’ arrived – namely social media – many marketers forgot about their mailing…
A winning website: How to write good website copy
In order to gain the undivided attention of your website’s users, you need to write good website copy suitable for the platform. This short article here will give you a simple…
Why you should stop using maps on your website
More background and experience
I currently work as a Senior Content Designer at the Centre for Digital Public Services.
Look at my LinkedIn profile for more details.